
Divinity 2 weapon types
Divinity 2 weapon types

divinity 2 weapon types

The only part I always found silly was the crafting. I don't find the interface cluttered at all, it's fine and gives relevant info. Just explore on your own, it's honestly not that complex. Don't just use an optimal character guide, that will suck all the fun out of the game. By simply experimenting and giving yourself freedom to fail with low penalty, it lets you learn the game very quickly. Also save a ton, scum if you have to while learning. That way you can try out all kinds of stuff and not feel like you messed up with the wrong build or infringing on other characters builds. I really recommend a respec mod that adds the respeccing mirror right at the start of the game. For anybody that has ever felt this way about a video game, how did you get over this inner obstacle? And did you end up enjoying the game? Why or why not? TL DR: Divinity Original Sin 2 is making me feel overwhelmed, and looks more complicated than I originally anticipated. And my patience for understanding some mechanics has been on the low side as of late. Maybe getting older is partly a result of this? I seem to be developing a habit of not finishing some games for some time now. Is it the way Divinity presents information to me as the player? Is it the user interface looking cluttered and filled with too much information? Is it literally just me? Probably the latter. I wasn’t always like this, hence my past gaming experience. I know this is purely a fault of my own, yet I can’t seem to stop myself from needing to know certain information before playing a game.

divinity 2 weapon types

Doing all of that.instead of just playing the damn game.

divinity 2 weapon types

Or maybe not enough explanation of some things.Īnyway, Ive been researching, watching videos, constantly debating on playing either a custom character or an origin character (I’m strongly for custom, but apparently I heard I miss out on a bunch of story if I don’t do an origin character for some reason?), looking at builds so that I don’t make a crap character at the start to get through the beginning, looking up certain hidden objects so that I don’t ever miss on potential equipment or quests. I don’t think I dislike it, I just feel like there is SO MUCH information at once just coming out on me.

divinity 2 weapon types

Yet for the first time, I feel incredibly overwhelmed to a point of being frozen in even trying to play THIS game. The good ones, the great ones, even had good times with bad ones. Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy(s), Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2, Fallout series, KOTOR 1 and 2, Fire Emblem, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls from Morrowind to Skyrim, Diablo, Witcher 3, Persona series, etc. I have a background in playing an incredible amount of RPGs in my life.

Divinity 2 weapon types